Meet the 'InterZell' Team
'InterZell' Research
DFG SPP 2170 is driven by the mindset of modern biochemical engineering linking questions of biological research (microbiology, molecular biology, cell culturing and cell biology) with engineering principles (system modeling, process development, simulation). Speaker of the "InterZell" project is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, IBVT, University of Stuttgart.
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The "InterZell" program, funded by the DFG as a priority program (SPP 2170) addresses different research goals in cell-cell or cell-bioreactor interactions. You are curios? Listen our podacst Lab Whispers about Bioengineering.
Read more about the SPP 2170 research in our publications and conference contributions. Stay in contact with us via LinkedIn or Instagram
Introduction to our Podcast: Lab Whispers about Bioengineering
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Contact Us

Ralf Takors
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.SPP 2170 Coordinator
[Image: Universität Stuttgart]
Martina Rehnert
Dr.Post-Doc, Project Manager DFG SPP 2170 „InterZell“